Christmas Quiz

(Matthew 1-2, Luke 1-2)


Answer each question “True ” this information is in the Bible or “False” this information is not in the Bible.

                                                                                                            True                 False


1.  Mary was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus.                                   _____               _____


2.  An angel appeared to Mary and told her about the birth.                       _____               _____


3.  An Angel appeared to Joseph and told him about the birth.                    _____               _____


4.  John the Baptist is related to Jesus.                                                     _____               _____


5.  A census was the reason Joseph and Mary traveled from

Nazareth to Bethlehem where Jesus was born.                              _____               _____


6.  Mary rode a donkey from Nazareth to Bethlehem.                                 _____               _____


7.  The innkeeper told Joseph there was no room.                                     _____               _____


8.  Mary gave birth to Jesus the day after arriving in Bethlehem.                 _____               _____


9.  An angel appeared to the shepherds to announce Jesus’ birth.               _____               _____


10.  An angel appeared in the sky with the shepherds singing.                    _____               _____


11.  The shepherds went to the manger to see Jesus.                                _____               _____


12.  Three kings came to the manger to worship Jesus.                             _____               _____


13.  Three wise men came to the manger to worship Jesus.                       _____               _____


14.  Angels appeared at the manger to worship Jesus.                               _____               _____


15.  Wise men brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.                     _____               _____


16.  Jesus was born in a stable.                                                               _____               _____


17.  Jesus was circumcised on the eighth day according to                        

the law of Moses.                                                                       _____               _____


18.  Mary and Joseph traveled from Bethlehem to Jerusalem to

present Jesus to the Lord at the temple.                                       _____               _____


19.  Joseph, Mary and Jesus flee to Egypt to get away from Herod.             _____               _____


20.  Jesus grows up as a young boy in Nazareth.                                       _____               _____


21.  Jesus was born on December 25.                                                      _____               _____





Christmas Quiz

(Matthew 1-2, Luke 1-2)


Answer each question “True ” this information is in the Bible or “False” this information is not in the Bible.

                                                                                                            True                 False


1.  Mary was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus.                                   _TRUE_             ____


2.  An angel appeared to Mary and told her about the birth.                       _TRUE_             _____


3.  An Angel appeared to Joseph and told him about the birth.                    _TRUE_             _____


4.  John the Baptist is related to Jesus.                                                     _TRUE_             _____


5.  A census was the reason Joseph and Mary traveled from

Nazareth to Bethlehem where Jesus was born.                              _TRUE_             _____


6.  Mary rode a donkey from Nazareth to Bethlehem.                                 _____               FALSE_


7.  The innkeeper told Joseph there was no room.                         _____               FALSE_


8.  Mary gave birth to Jesus the day after arriving in Bethlehem.                 _____               FALSE_


9.  An angel appeared to the shepherds to announce Jesus’ birth.   _TRUE_             _____


10.  An angel appeared in the sky with the shepherds singing.                    _____               FALSE_


11.  The shepherds went to the manger to see Jesus.                                _TRUE_             _____


12.  Three kings came to the manger to worship Jesus.                             _____               FALSE_


13.  Three wise men came to the manger to worship Jesus.                       _____               FALSE_


14.  Angels appeared at the manger to worship Jesus.                               _____               FALSE_


15.  Wise men brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.                     _TRUE_             _____


16.  Jesus was born in a stable.                                                               _____               FALSE_


17.  Jesus was circumcised on the eighth day according to                        

the law of Moses.                                                                       _TRUE_             _____


18.  Mary and Joseph traveled from Bethlehem to Jerusalem to

present Jesus to the Lord at the temple.                                       _TRUE_             _____


19.  Joseph, Mary and Jesus flee to Egypt to get away from Herod. _TRUE_             ____


20.  Jesus grows up as a young boy in Nazareth.                                       _TRUE_             ____


21.  Jesus was born on December 25.                                                      _____               FALSE_